[f_minor] F-minor: Coming DVDs from CBC

Jörgen Lundmark jorgen.lundmark at sundsvall.nu
Mon Jun 6 15:38:14 EDT 2011

Hello all,

I'm a bit surprised and disappointed that the new Music&Arts-box didn't 
create any enthusiasm to speak of. The recent talk about -- albeit 
excellent -- Schiff talks on Beethoven has very little to do with Gould. 
Anyway, here's a piece of news I hope at least some of you might find 
interesting: CBC will release a number of DVDs with Glenn Gould. This 
DVD release will be launched in Toronto on Sept. 27, and Europe and Asia 
will follow a few months after that.

For you who will be in the cultural centre Gasteig in Munich in October, 
there will be some kind of Glenn Gould oriented event, including a play 
called “Glenn Gould vs Glenn Gould”.

This is really good news, don’t you think???


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