[f_minor] Andrew Kazdin passes away at 77

maryellen jensen maryellenjensen28 at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 2 17:50:47 EST 2011


Kazdin comes in briefly at about 04:29 

Andrew Kazdin.

  15 years Gould's producer at Columbia and that's just
a part of this consummate professional's career.
Gouldians, read (reread) what he wrote with an open mind.
There's not a lot of that about lately. Ever?


From: pzumst at bluewin.ch
To: f_minor at glenngould.org
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2011 20:07:37 +0100
Subject: [f_minor] Andrew Kazdin passes away at 77

Dear all
Thanks to Stefy for letting me /us know of some sad news:
De mortuis nil nisi bonum. We should remember Kazdin for what he did and 
not for what he wrote later.

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