[f_minor] 81 and counting

Elaine Parks elaine19c at yahoo.ca
Sat Sep 28 11:19:17 MDT 2013

Sept 25 is a magical date for us and I'm sure many of us around the world played our fave GG pieces...I put on 
some selections from that Sony Legacy CD of Bach preludes, fughettas and fugues recorded in the Eaton Auditorium
here in Toronto (this CD includes the "monstrosity" as he called it, the Chromatic Fantasy which is so beautiful!!!) The photo
is also one of my favourites (by Don Hunstein) with Glenn standing in a corner, hat in hand, on the 7th floor of that old building
at College and Yonge, a building which he helped to save, thank you Glenn. I managed a visit to Mt. Pleasant
on the 26th and added some flowers to those already there. He is not forgotten!!!

On Fri, 9/27/13, Pat <pzumst at bluewin.ch> wrote:

 Subject: [f_minor] 81 and counting
 To: "Discussion of the Canadian pianist Glenn Gould." <f_minor at glenngould.org>
 Received: Friday, September 27, 2013, 1:55 PM
 Hi all
 There was only one message regarding what would have
 been GG’s 81st. 
 ...which leaves me with at least 2 questions:
 - Is GG still relevant for artists, thinkers,
 musicians, arrangers etc. 
 today ? Some of his ideas are clearly outdated (his idea of
 what would later 
 become the mixtape and is today known simply as a playlist
 in yer iTunes has now 
 been surpassed by technology) ? Was his approach to
 composers like Bach or 
 Mozart (add Beethoven if you want) so out of center it
 became unfashionable and 
 there is a chance that aspiring pianists being fed up with
 Lang Lang and 
 Pogorelich as role models might pick up GG’s approach as a
 pianistic inspiration 
 again ?. That might be interesting, more eccentric
 diversification, more debate, 
 less robot playing, more substance, less image.
 - Is there still enough in the vaults plus the infamous
 ice box of Sony and 
 the CBC to justify “new” releases for the general public
 and not just the 
 hardcore Gouldians ? GG is still dead, what remains is The
 Legend And Its 
 Hagiography, but is that enough to sell records ? Especially
 to a new generation 
 that has a different approach to classical music ? Mind you,
 we are talking 
 about events that took place at least 60 years ago, to some
 people that is like 
 what the last 6 million years are to a
 I dunno. I might have more questions though. I like to
 ask silly 
 As an atheist I do not believe in the afterlife, but
 just in case there is 
 the 0,.....00001 chance I am wrong- Happy Birthday Mr Gould
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